MG Car Club Abingdon Works Centre

If this is your first visit to our website, we hope you’ll find something of interest, if you’re a regular, welcome back!

You’ll find a list of our Committee here, as well as the Natters within the AWC region, and details of our own merchandise.

Our Upcoming Events - lot's to look forward to in 2024

We hold our own events throughout the year, and also attend Car Shows displaying our MG's and as we are a Centre we welcome all models of MG to join in and enjoy the Marque Of Friendship. Here's what we're up to in the next few months:

Chesham Natter POO
25th June 2024

Come and join us for our Evening Pride of Ownership and BBQ :  we are returning as guests of Little Hay Golf Complex in Bovingdon, who are providing us with their Restaurant, Bar and external Terrace, together with a large part of their car park. This is an informal ’judge it yourself’ Pride of Ownership for all MG’s (and other classic cars who’s owners regularly attend the Natter).  There will be some great trophies, and plenty of classes for the MG’s.

Adwell Vintage Vehicles
7th July 2024

We have been invited by the organisers of the Adwell Vintage Vehicle Show to have a significant display as the MG Car Club.
Differing Centres & Regions will be coming together for the day at this wonderful traditional Vehicle Show with lots of other things to enjoy whilst there for example dog show, live music, tank & tractor rides, funfair and much much more. Once booked tickets, let us know you are attending so we know how much display space we required.

Autumn Leaves Run
20th October 2024

The annual Autumn Leaves Run is having a refresh for 2024 and will have a new starting place that will offer refreshments and pastries, and the run will take in the scenic roads and lanes of The Chilterns AONB, but the route organiser promises there won't be any lanes like the one in the picture.....!
The run will finish at a historic pub where you will be able to pre-book to have lunch !
Full details will be announced shortly, but register your interest by clicking the link below.

Latest News

30th Anniversary Old Speckled Hen Run 2024

Sunday 26th May saw the 30th Anniversary of the Old Speckled Hen Run and as per tradition the start was held at Radley College, Abingdon.

Despite the most immense cloud bursts in the morning, well over 50 MGs from historic to classic to most modern arrived to enjoy refreshments before setting off on a scenic 40 mile 1 1/2 hour route via Uffington to arrive at Buscott Park & House, where the members enjoyed exclusive access before it opened to the public. 

The return leg took the members northwards then eastwards via Kencot, Bampton, Aston and then a little bit of the original MG Test Route before arriving back at Radley where the members then enjoyed a Cream Tea once again served in the Pavilion before departing for home.

Our grateful thanks goes to Richard & Jeannie Smith who organised the event so wonderfully, and to the committee & members that assisted Richard with the setting up & taking down, marshalling, etc, and finally thanks to the members for supporting and attending.

Take a look at the "Gallery" in the menu to see more pictures.

AWC Chair awarded MG CC Members of the Year Trophy

During the Bi-Annual Council Meeting of the MG Car Club, our Chair Angie Wright along with her husband Ian who is the Chair of the MGF Register were shocked, overwhelmed and totally honoured to be awarded the Geoff Coles Memorial Trophy for Members of the Year for their outstanding contribution to the MG Car Club. It was the first time in the trophy's long history that it had been awarded to a couple.

The trophy has pride of place in Angie & Ian's home.

Abingdon Works Centre AGM

Saturday 7th October 2023

Kimber House was the location for the 2023 AGM and was well attended by members. Angie Wright was unanimously re-voted in as the Chair, along with all of the remaining current committee. Thanks we given to Sarah Davies who had decided to stand down.

Angie had great pleasure in surprising Tony & Lyn Cotter by presenting them with the Carlton Award trophy for Outstanding Contribution to the Centre, and also presenting the Gibson Trophy to Tylor Ballard for his achievements int he MG Cup this last year, and the trophy was handed over to Chris Callaghan & John Watson for passing on to Tylor.

Full reports were presented to the gathered members including an AV presentation of the events etc that the AWC had either organised or attended. 

Kop Hill Climb Festival 2023 celebrates MG100

The Abingdon Works Centre of the MG Car Club was proud to host MG's at the Kop Hill Climb Festival 2023. This annual event showcases a wide range of classic cars, and we were thrilled to be a part of it with grateful thanks to the organisers of KHC allowing us 

As a Centre of the MG Car Club, the Abingdon Works Centre is dedicated to preserving and celebrating the rich heritage of MG cars. With our passionate members and extensive knowledge, we aim to promote the love for these iconic vehicles,.

In honor of the 100 year anniversary of MG, our Centre collaborated with other Centres and Registers to create a spectacular display. This joint effort brought together a diverse collection of MG cars, highlighting the evolution and timeless appeal of these automobiles, showing that MG's certainly are the Marque of Friendship


MG 100 Not Out

Celebrating 100 years of MG is an extraordinary event that brings together MG enthusiasts from all over the world. The MG 100 Not Out classic car show, held at Abingdon, the spiritual home of MG cars, is a testament to the rich heritage and timeless appeal of these iconic vehicles. Jointly organised by the Abingdon Works Centre and Oxfordshire MG Owners Club, this event promised a delightful journey through the amazing timeline of MG cars, starting from the humble beginnings in 1923 and leading up to the modern day marvels.

Visitors to the show were treated to a visual feast of beautifully restored MG cars, each telling its own unique story. From vintage models to the latest releases, there was something for everyone to admire and appreciate. But it's not just about the cars; this event offered much more. There are various activities and attractions to keep the whole family entertained throughout the day.

With family fun at the heart of the celebration, attendees enjoyed, interactive displays, and engaging chats, along with a huge Tombola with so many wonderful donated prizes.  Food stalls offering delicious treats and refreshing beverages kept hunger at bay, ensuring a memorable experience for all.

Moreover, this event was not just about the joy of MG cars; it also served a noble cause. All profits from the show will be donated to the Thames Valley Air Ambulance and the Abingdon Food Bank. By attending and supporting this event, not only will you have had a wonderful time, but you will also contribute to these important charitable organizations. In fact, this wonderful event raised an impressive £3100 for these worthy causes.

From small acorns....

New Natter at The Hatchet Inn, Lower Chute, Andover

I arrived with my ‘A’ coupe  at 1030. The weather, untypical of late July 2023, was dry, sunny and warm. We looked forward to a relaxed day outdoors in the sunshine.

The Hatchet car park was practically empty, and Landlord Jerry optimistically reserved the entire area for us. Anticipating a quiet day. I was equipped with my backlog of unread issues of Safety Fast and Practical Classics.

 First to arrive was a Midget owner from Arundel (!) who was visiting a local friend, but without the Midget. He was closely followed by nearby resident Beryl with her 1275 Midget-powered Morris Minor. At 1055, Bernard arrived from Durrington with his magnificent black early ZA Magnette. We look forward to seeing his prize-winning supercharged PA (I think) Midget, maybe next time.

Local resident Mike roared in with his lightly modded MGB Roadster.

Abingdon Works Centre President Richard arrived with his wife Gill at midday in her strikingly orange electric MG.

At this point I gave up on reading the magazines and focussed on chat over the complimentary coffee and elevenses kindly provided by Jerry.

 An interesting gentleman arrived from (I think) Hurstbourne, sans MGB, since it failed to start. I found we had a wide range of shared interests, including aviation, and had a rewarding chat.

 The hoped for arrival of a local resident’s 1930s Rover saloon didn’t materialise (the 200 yard trip was considered unachievable today), but his brother  brought a lovely white MGA Twin Cam Roadster. Other arrivals were a black 2003 MGF from Andover, a lovely TC Midget from Newbury, and a black MGB Roadster from Palestine (not that Palestine).

 Almost finally, Angie and her husband Ian arrived on schedule after a morning’s work along with their dog MGee in Angie's gold Rover 25 due to Ian blowing up his F's engine!

We had another visitor from Andover. She has her late husband’s  MGF/TF with a suspension problem. We fortuitously had Ian who is the Chair of the MGF Register present, so we were able to provide her with informed advice.

 And finally. The previously mentioned MGB owner had succeeded in getting it started, and fitted it into the last remaining car park slot. A lovely example that had spent most of its life on a very hot, dry island.

 Our fellow enthusiasts started to get ready for the rest of their weekend at around 2 pm.

All in all, a very entertaining day, and one which I plan to repeat on September 9th, 1100 – 1500.

See you there, hopefully, David Brown

Chesham celebrate 40 years

Angie in her role as AWC Chair and Ian were honoured to be invited last night to be part of the special Chesham Area Natter Night to celebrate their 40th Anniversary of the Chesham Natter that has been organised by Christa & Richard Colston since 1983.

A wonderful evening was had by all, with anecdotes of the natters history given by various members with Angie giving the thanks and congratulations to Christa & Richard on behalf of the Abingdon Works Centre and the evening ended with presentation of a commemorative gift from the Natter members to Christa & Richard and cutting of the cake.

The display of MG's present outside was a sight to behold too.

Chesham Natter POO Night

Our annual Pride of Ownership returned to Little Hay Golf Club, near Bovingdon on Tuesday 27th June.  With an entry list of 49 cars the car park soon filled up with MG’s ranging from a SA Tickford to the more recent MG TF’s and ZR’s.  A healthy turn-out of MGB’s included the very successful race winning  MGB of Tom Smith, following its success at Silverstone in MG100.  Not to be outdone the MG saloons were represented by a ZA Magnette and a MG 1100.

Everyone was involved in the self-judging event, and after an excellent BBQ provided in the Clubhouse, the awards were presented to the owners of 18 cars.

The Natter thanks everyone who attended for their support, and hope you will watch our website for the next event

Gallery of our recent fun and games

Here are some recent photos of the AWC being out and about at events, runs and Natters. If you have any pics you'd like included here, do email them to

Meet The Chair

Angie Wright took over the position of Chair in October 2022 following many years of sterling service and commitment from Richard Martin who has now been bestowed by the MG Car Club Council the title of AWC President.

Angie has been part of the MG scene for the last 9 years with her husband Ian, starting off with MG F's and now has a '78 BGT too.

Angie is usually joined with her Co-Pilot, no not Ian but her Dog that loves being in the cars and his name is MGee.... Honestly!

Proudly a Centre of the MG Car Club

The Abingdon Works Centre is proud to be a Centre of the MG Car Club

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